Reader, Writer, Web Designer, Husband, Son, Brother, Engineer
RS Gold Farming is a term that’s thrown around a lot, but mostly as an abstract concept that isn’t well defined. In this article, we’ll explain the ins and outs of RuneScape gold farming, so you gain a comprehensive understanding of what it actually means and represents in practical terms.
The first thing to define is ‘botting’. Botting is the concept of using automated software to mimic or reproduce human behavior. For example, if you’re fletching some Rune bolts, what you’re actually doing is basically a bunch of clicks in the same position and withdrawing things like feathers from your bank.
A common approach that many players may try to use is macros. This means your mouse will click in essentially almost the exact same positions as a recording you provide. However, this technique is highly detectable generally. The reason being is the clicks will often be detected as “too perfect”, and if you aren’t taking varied or longer breaks and doing the same thing for 48 hours… Well, that just doesn’t represent any typical human behavior.
More advanced bots these days use a technique called Machine Learning to mimic human patterns and data, but these still aren’t perfect. These bots are also extremely complicated and time-intensive to develop. Needless to say, Old School RuneScape botting has come a long way.
Gold Farms
Gold farms are essentially where you’ve got a group of accounts all intending to ‘farm’ (or collectively gain) gold through any method.
For example, if you’ve seen 50 level 3 accounts all cutting Oak trees around Lumbridge with the default skin, all moving in similar directions and not taking any breaks, it’s very likely that you’re dealing with a gold farm. Their patterns are highly obvious, but the farm owner doesn’t care: he/she simply wants to collect as much wood as possible within a certain amount of hours before those accounts are banned and sell that wood using different accounts and then trade it away.
However, a gold farm can collect any resource within the game - not just Oak logs. More advanced gold farms will have accounts that don’t travel in flocks and use more advanced money-making methods such as doing bosses like Zulrah to generate gold. These farm owners will use more advanced bot scripts and techniques to avoid bans and will avoid matching typical bot farm patterns (for example, they may use different IPs for each OSRS account).
Reader, Writer, Web Designer, Husband, Son, Brother, Engineer