Old School RuneScape: Temple Of The Eye Quest Walkthrough

Jun-10-2022 PST Category: runescape

Its Guardians of the Rift minigame in Old School RuneScape provides players with an enjoyable, entertaining way to develop their runecrafting skills, one that is historically difficult and boring to train. You can also collect cool rewards in this old school rs gold, like special gear, talismans as well as a special Abyssal Pet called the Protector.

It is important to note that the Temple of the Eye quest is a formal requirement You must be at least the level 10 Runecrafting and be able to complete your Enter the Abyss quest, which requires the to complete Rune Mysteries. You will need 27 Runecrafting by the time you finish of the quest in case you are planning to participate in Guardians of the Rift.

Because there is no combat to be had with this challenge, it's possible to complete with no-combat accounts. It also is not able to grant any combat XP at any time.

The requirements for items in this quest are also very minimal, as most of them are quest exclusives found along the way. You'll still have to ensure you have a bucket of water as well as a chisel and a pickaxe if you're looking to complete the quest in the fastest way possible.

When you're ready to begin your quest, go towards Al Kharid and talk to Wizard Persten - you can meet her near the water's pool in the north end of Al Kharid. She will give you the Eye Amulet whose secrets she is seeking your help in revealing. The tracing spell is applied to identify the source of the amulet, however it only works within The Abyss, so Wizard Persten gives the amulet to you in order to determine the source of it.

The second step will be to talk with a staff member from the Zamorak Magical Institute that will help you cast the tracer spell.

How to obtain the Abyssal Incantation

Go towards Varrock to you will find Varrock, and you will find the Altar of Zamorak nestled in Varrock's south-eastern part. There is the Mage of Zamorak who can assist you find the amulet. In order to help you, however it is necessary to offer him an Bucket of Water and a robust drink of tea. The former should be available already, however the tea is available at the Tea Seller located at the Eastern entrance of Varrock.

If you've got the items The Mage will take you to the middle in The Abyss. In the middle of it, you'll find the Dark Mage. Talking to him will lead you to offer him a bath using the bucket (yes you really can). After he's cleaned and dry, the Dark Mage begins casting a spell to discover the source of the amulet. However, he is unable to finish the feat without your assistance Six runic energies are circling the area you're in and you must figure out the order they appear in order to ensure that the spell is successful.

Unfortunately, the sequence of these runic energy will vary for each player, meaning you'll need to figure it out by yourself. If you click on the correct runic energy, it will change to white. However, clicking the wrong energy will cause all energy back to their original color, meaning that you'll need to start from scratch. It will take a good time of experimentation and trial but you'll be able to get it right eventually.

If you do you do, you will be greeted by the dark Mage will provide you with an Abyssal Incantation. However, you'll need help from wizards to get the meaning of it.

Wizards' Tower

Return to Wizard Persten in Al Kharid. She will direct you to Archmage Sridridor inside The Wizards' Tower who will help you get to where the amulet may take you to. The basement is located in the the Wizards Tower, talk to Sedridor. He'll after a little convincing, accept to assist you in an Abyssal Incantation. While he's getting ready by making sure that everything is safe, you'll need to find helpers the other wizards in the tower. In true RPG style, this involves solving a problem which isn't connected to any other aspect.

A cutscene will be played that takes you in an underwater location, the location to play game Guardians of the Rift minigame. A portal in the abyssal opens and takes over Wizard Persten - your goal now is to assist the Great Guardian to close the rift, preventing creatures from the abyss from infiltrating the temple via it.

The remainder of the quest is a guideline to play playing the Guardians of the Rift minigame. Once you've completed this it will be clear it is the case that Wizard Persten has been lost in the rift and presumed dead. Therefore, the Great Guardian needs the assistance of humankind to fix any rifts appearing within the temple. The apprentices of Traiborn are willing to stay with them and offer assistance, leading to the development of the game minigame.

Go through the portal and inform Sedridor what happened. This is the conclusion to the mission. Along with the ability to access Guardians of the Rift, the completion of this quest will earn OSRS GP the player 1 Quest Point, a Medium Pouch for Runecrafting along with 5000 Runecrafting XP.