​New Compensation Hunter Amend In Old School RS

Sep-06-2022 PST Category: runescape


Mage Amphitheatre and Pirate's Hideout

Resource Breadth and Deserted Keep

Rogue's Castle

Lava Maze

Lava Dragon Isle


The Abandoned Cemetary

Hobgoblin Mine

Bandit Camp and Ruins

Graveyard of Shadows and Ruins

East Dragons

Dark Warriors' Fortress

Chaos Temple

These are zones, broadcast throughout the Wilderness, that actuate on circling every 30 minutes. To be acceptable for hotspot bonuses, you'll charge a minimum activity akin of 50 and you'll aswell charge to be accustomed a Abstruse Adumbration of any tier.

Points and Killstreaks

Bounty Hunters now acquire Compensation Credibility for killing their target. Killing several targets in a row will actuate a killstreak that awards added points. Currently, you'll acquire 3, 4 or 5 credibility per annihilate on killstreaks of 0, 3 and 10, respectively.

Bonus credibility are aswell awarded for anniversary kills (separately from killstreaks) as apparent in the table below:

Target kills | Benefit Credibility Awards

10th annihilate - 25 points

50th annihilate - 50 points

100th annihilate - 75 points

250th annihilate - 100 points

1000th annihilate - 150 points

10 credibility are aswell accustomed for commutual alternative tasks, or 'Bounties' that aeon every 30 minutes. The tasks you acquire will be bound to what is attainable on your annual and can be skipped for chargeless up to three times a day. Your tasks will change every 30 annual - you acquire to delay for the time to bankrupt afore accepting a new one, even if the accepted Compensation is complete.

Most Bounties absorb killing your ambition with a handicap, alms added rewards to Compensation Hunters who are accomplished abundant to complete them, while giving beneath accomplished ones a bigger adventitious of acceptable their fight.

A button for checking, absence and enabling/disabling Bounties can be actuate in the new Compensation Hunter interface.

Mysterious Emblem

New Abstruse Emblems plan differently. Ranging from tiers 1 to 5, they can be bought and awash at the Adumbration Trader for 75k, 150k, 300k, 600k, and 1.2M OSRS Gold respectively.

To advancement a Abstruse emblem, you'll charge to annihilate a ambition who is accustomed an Adumbration of according or college tier. If you do, your will go up a coffer (doubling in value) and endemic will disappear. Top risk, top reward!