Archaeology Skill Could Be Coming Soon in RuneScape This March

Feb-27-2020 PST Category: runescape
Archaeology will be a new skill for RuneScape that is arriving in game this Marchand, the skill will have the potential to be one of the most powerful skills in the game. For those who don't play OSRS gold, there are currently 27 skills (such as farming, herblore, and cooking) that can help you define your character, and each skill needs to explore content from time to time.

“Archaeology is so much more than a skill – every dig site will tell a story, which will bring multiple new areas and significant new ways to play RuneScape when it drops in-game on March 30th. As players empower relics, uncover artefacts and improve their Archaeology abilities, secrets of a future story arc will unfold. We can’t wait to begin revealing more of the mystery surrounding Archaeology over the months to come.” Dave Osborne, Lead Designer, RuneScape.

Archaeology will bring up to 28 skills. When launched in March, it will have a maximum skill level of 120 and will be available to RuneScape members and free players as soon as they are launched. Players will excavate and restore artefacts using their gathering talents. Furthermore, discovery of ancient relics will unlock powerful perks such as adrenaline boosts, infinite run energy and much more.

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Players will also discover ancient training methods for other skills. The ancient summons will enable them to bind the demonic slayer creatures of the world, and the ancient inventions discover the forgotten ancient techniques and blueprints, enabling players to create brand-new equipment and privileges by breaking down the artifacts found.

Who will win the 120th game? More importantly, who will be the first to catch all new skill pets, Archie the child mummy? RuneScape's first major update in 2020 also laid the foundation for a compelling year.